Regio Foodvalley EU Office
Representation in Brussels
Regio Foodvalley is actively involved in European cooperation through its EU Office in Brussels. Our office is housed in the House of the Dutch Provinces (HNP) and focusses on agri-food related topics. For all other relevant EU topics, we work together with colleague experts in the HNP.
HNP (House of the Dutch Provinces)
The House of the Dutch Provinces in the Trierstraat is a network of public affairs professionals on a broad spectrum of topics. Regio Foodvalley is partner in the HNP.

ERRIN is the Brussels-based platform of more than 125 regional stakeholder organisations from 22 European countries, most of whom are represented by its Brussels offices. ERRIN focus solely on research and innovation policy and funding programmes, as well as project development.

Food NL
Regio Foodvalley is a founding partner of Food NL, a cooperation of 3 leading agirfoodregios in the Netherlands: Regio Foodvalley, Greenport Regio Venlo(Points to external website) and AgriFood Capital Noordoost-Brabant(Points to external website). These three agrifood regions in The Netherlands join forces in developing projects on topics such as the protein transition, sustainable food production and innovations on food and health.

European Partner Regions
Regio Foodvalley has two partnerships with leading European agrifood regions: Business Region Aarhus (DK)(Points to external website) and Region Östergötland (SE)(Points to external website). With both regions we aim to accelerate transitions in European and global food systems, and we cooperate in joint projects on food and health, protein transition and sustainable food production. Also, the three regions and the knowledge institutes in these regions, invest in the world leading knowledge and innovation infrastructure.

S3 Platform Agrifood
The Smart Specialisation Strategy Platform for Agrifood (S3P Agrifood) supports multilateral relations between European regions and knowledge partners on agrifood related innovations. It was initiated by the European Commission. Regio Foodvalley is an active member of the platform and participates in several programs that were initiated by partners of the S3P Agrifood. Together with our European Partners Region Östergötland (SE), Business region Aarhus (Denmark) and South Ostrobotnia (Finland) Regio Foodvalley initiated the European project Consumer Involvement in Agrifood Innovation.

Consumer Involvement In Agrifood Innovation (CIAI)
The overarching vision of this partnership is to involve consumers in quadruple helix innovation activities along the food value-chain. Thereby helping to create regional growth and contributing to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals. We will set up joint projects tightly linked to the Food 2030 vision of the EU. The Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy of the EU will help accelerate the Consumer Involvement in Agrifood Innovation initiative

ERIAFF is an informal network of European Regions that have a specialization in Food and Forestry. We use ERIAFF network to find partners for European projects and to exchange expertise with other European regions.

RIS3 & Think East
Regio Foodvalley is part of East Netherlands and the Smart Specialization Strategy of East Netherlands(Points to external website). The regional parties in East Netherlands are working together on a strong, smart, sustainable and inclusive regional economy in a triple helix collaboration. As a result, the competitiveness in the international economy will be strengthened. We will ensure to retain existing jobs and create new jobs for all citizens and to increase regional income.

Get in touch with our EU Office
Trierstraat 59-61, Brussels (Huis van de Nederlandse Provincies)