Regio Foodvalley EU Office

Representation in Brussels

Regio Foodvalley is actively involved in European cooperation through its EU Office in Brussels. Our office is housed in the House of the Dutch Provinces (HNP) and focusses on agri-food related topics. For all other relevant EU topics, we work together with colleague experts in the HNP.

Food NL

Regio Foodvalley is a founding partner of Food NL, a cooperation of 3 leading agirfoodregios in the Netherlands: Regio Foodvalley, Greenport Regio Venlo(Points to external website) and AgriFood Capital Noordoost-Brabant(Points to external website). These three agrifood regions in The Netherlands join forces in developing projects on topics such as  the protein transition, sustainable food production and innovations on food and health.

European Partner Regions

Regio Foodvalley has two partnerships with leading European agrifood regions: Business Region Aarhus (DK)(Points to external website) and Region Östergötland (SE)(Points to external website). With both regions we aim to accelerate transitions in European and global food systems, and we cooperate in joint projects on food and health, protein transition and sustainable food production. Also, the three regions and the knowledge institutes in these regions, invest in the world leading knowledge and innovation infrastructure.

Get in touch with our EU Office


Trierstraat 59-61, Brussels (Huis van de Nederlandse Provincies)